New Items No. 21

Some time has passed now, since I last wrote something. I have been quite busy learning for my exams. Tomorrow there will be my last exam for this year. Than I will have some more time. Also to post a bit more. I will be helping out at the European Iaido Championship this year. And for the party I’m planing to wear wafuku. I’m working on a Obi which will just fit perfectly to the theme. But no spoilers yet.
In the last20150318c 198 months I bought some new Ite20150318c 194ms. After that, I will start saving again. But for now. Let me introduce you to a full shibori awase kimono. Looking closeup you will see, how amazing this is. It all handmade and for winter the best thing to keep you warm. The next kimono is a baby blue silk awase houmongi. I liked tL919he color and the size was just perfect for me. So I really wanted it. It is nice and shiny. The flowers are peony which will make it good to wear in May.  The silk weave is rinzu, which is always quite shiny and soft.
I bought also new obiage, you never have enough of them. A pink, red , white, white with purple dots and a pink/light green one. The white one is for my tomesode, of which I haven’t taken pictures yet. But usually you wear white obiage and white obijime for tomesode.

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And now we come to the obi. I wanted to buy more obi. So I found more obi. Starting with theDSC_0382 nagoya obi. I found a really beautiful hakata obi, made of silk , in nice colors. It was sold a bolt and when I got it, you could see, that it had been sewn before. So I got my needles out and sew it together again. It is a hiraki obi, which mean it is not all sewn together, only the otaiko part is double.
Than I found a red one with pine trees and some flowers and a off sou20150619b 031white bamboo leafs and arrow heads obisou20150421c 443. Both are quite lovely. On the white one I’m working just now. It has some visible stains, which I try to cover with some embroidery. I couldn’t see the stains on the picture because it was still stitched together. It seems to be never used but got the stains from being stored it in a not dry room for a long time.
The next sou20150611c 454one is a gold fukuro obi, for my furisode. And a maru obi with water msou20150205e 254ills. Which I thought, are quite unusual. From far they look a bit like snowflakes. I’m looking forward to wear all this stuff. I just hope for a meeting.

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