New Items No. 18

They are here. My new things. I bought two obi just after Christmas. I want to buy  more obi now and less kimono. I think my collection is already quite big and includes a variety of colors and themes. So now I want more obi that I can match with them.
sou20141021b 343 The first is a Nagoya Obi with a sea – mountain motive. Somehow it reminded me of home, only at my place there are no mountains. It has light peach cream color.sou20141020 234
The other is a yellow fukuro obi with dark red cherry blossoms. I simply liked it, and thought it will well with a lot of my kimono because of the color.
As I just said, I don’t want to buy so many kimono anymore, but when I saw one kimono friend selling some of her items I couldn’t resist. But I have to say it really fits to my collDSC08555-klection, because I don’t have one yet in that color. I don’t have pictures of it yet. I just can tell you , it is dark blue with sakura blossoms that looked like they are woven into the fabric. I think it will go well with my light blue nagoya obi, with which I had an “no-match” issue so far.
One more kimono is on the way… yes, but I don’t have the color yet. 😉

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